Projects & Experiences

Data Analyst 2

PayPal Jan 2022 - Present

    Fraud Protection
    Leads Generation
    Machine Learning
    Data Analysis
    Data Visualisation
    Received awards & Appreciation letters for my work :)

Senior Analyst

Latentview Analytics - Aug 2021 - Dec 2021

    NLP (Topic classification, Topic modeling, POS Tagging, Sentiment Analysis)
    Product Analysis
    Machine Learning
    Data Analysis
    Data Visualisation
    Received awards & Appreciation letters for my work :)

Project Engineer

Wipro - Oct 2018 - Aug 2021

    Product Evangelism
    Machine Learning
    Python Scripting & Automation
    Sharepoint Administration
    O365 Engineer
    Customer Success Management
    Received awards & Appreciation letters for my work :)

Community Lead - Facebook Developer Circles

DevC Hyderabad - May 2019 - Present

This is something that I do with love. I treat this as my product and that's how I bring quality into it. Scaled a community at 2x rate. I lead a diverse team of 15 members and a community of over 6000 members. We teach coding, innovate things, build stuff and evangelise. Have a record of teaching coding to over 70 students.

Search for my profile here and my interview here

Market Research Intern

Nearbuy - July 2017 - September 2017

Web scarping various food blogs and restaurant reviews to get the residents' preferences.
Analysing the data and presenting the visualisations to the management for better understanding.

    Web Scraping
    Data Visualization
    Market Research


Croogster Pvt.Ltd. - December 2016 – March 2017

Client interaction and understanding their requirements.
Designing and developing android and web applications based on the requirements.

    Information gathering
    Website designing and development (LAMP Stack)
    Android application development

Corneal Topography

Corneal Topography is a device that is used to detect corneal diseases like keratoconus, Astigmatism, and Corneal Ulcer.

    Skills Used
    Product Development
    Open CV
    Machine Learning
    Product Design
    Here are more details on the implementation.
    Here are the slides for more information

Smart Saline Monitor

IOT Product iSmart saline monitor will monitor the level of the saline in the bottle injected to the patient and if the level is lower than the threshold level the user will get notified about the saline level in the bottle.

    Skills Used
    App Development
    Static Web Development

Bluetooth based robot control system

IOT Product The principal task of this project is to design a wireless robot that can be operated using the mobile phone through Bluetooth.

Sugarcane field Monitoring and Security System

IOT Product The principal task of this project is to facilitate the farmers with weather details and provides automatic watering to the crop.


I am a Full stack Developer (LAMP Stack) - I developed a lot of websites ever since I started learning Webtechnologies

I have designed for
    1. International Workshop - QuadCopter.
    2. Medhanvesh - A college website
    3. Ex-Voice
    and a few more that I have signed NDA for.

Android Applications

I am a Novice App developer.

    I built applications for

    1. Ex-Voice (The application that I am proud of :))
    2. Enimity Calculator
    3. StunCall
    4. CodeAdda