Education ?

  • Bachelors Degree - 74%
  • Intermediate - 89.4%
  • X Standard - 8.8 CGPA
  • I love

    Speaking up with data. I can do ..
    1. Web Scraping
    2. Python
    3. Data Cleaning
    4. Data Analysis
    5. Data Visualiisation
    6. Scikit-Learn
    7. NLP
    8. Evangelism
    9.Product Analysis

    Check out my skills page for more. ;)


  • Facebook Developer Circles Community Lead
  • Project Engineer at Wipro Technologies
  • Research Intern - Nearbuy
  • Junior Research Associate - LV Prasad Eye Institute
  • Intern - Croogster
  • Freelancer
  • Awards & winning

  • Forbes under 30 Fellowship
  • F8 Conference
  • Mentored UCLA students
  • HerTech AI Hackathon
  • Hack2Hire Hackathon
  • Smart India Hackathon Winner
  • TechGig TechDiva Android Hack
  • Excite 2017 Winner
  • IBM Hackathon Winner
  • Peramson Hackathon Winner

  • Papers

    Published a paper in IJETT on Sugarcane field Surveillance System.

    MOOC Courses

    I take a lot of MOOC.You can find me equally active on social media and MOOC Course platforms.

    List of courses

  • Data Science - R by HarvardX
  • Data science Crash course - John Hopkins University
  • Philosophy & Critical Thinking by UQx
  • Learn to Program in Java by Microsoft
  • Python for data science - DataCamp
  • Essential Math for Machine Learning - Microsoft
  • Data Science specialization -IBM
  • Applied AI course.
  • Portfolio

    Navya is a great leader! She manages Developer Circles from Facebook: Hyderabad amazingly. She is innovative and engages the community really well! She possesses all the quality that a leader should have! ~ Ashiwni Purohit, Founder & CEO at Winuall
    Navya has a strong work ethic and is a thorough professional. She has been very approachable and has been a very big support with technical queries. Her solution-oriented mindset and willingness to follow-up until any technical queries are resolved is commendable. Wish her the very best in her career. Thank you very much Navya. ~ Archana Jayaraman, Biological Data Analyst at Novartis.