I'm a Polyglot programmer. :)
I started coding when I was 14. I started with C and currently trying to teach my machine to code in 'C'.
I believe in the metaphor - 'Necessity is the mother of Invention'.
Being a kid, I was fascinated by the UI/UX of my mom's computer. When I was in my 12th, I favoured web technologies over IIT/JEE and self-taught Website designing and developing.
In result, I did my first freelancing project in my first year of bachelors for a startup and the story continued. That made me a Front-End Engineer.
I started attending alot of Hackathons, Meetups and networking sessions. That made me a better person at PR.
I was equally fascinated by the 'Facebook App'. To be honest, Mark Zuckerberg is my role model ;) (Not to start a company, but to code) I wanted to recreate the Facebook App with the same functionality and that made me a LAMP Stack Developer. I was furious about Android apps and self-taught the static android application development
In my pre-final year of bachelors, I got a chance to work at a research centre. I worked on Image Processing, Android Development and Machine Learning. I came back and started learning Machine Learning. I was really impressed by the outcome and now here I am with decent knowledge on Web Scraping (I can scrap my own portfolio and give you my skills instead of this paragraph using Beautiful Soup),Data Cleaning, Data Analysis and Data Visualisation. You should check out my projects on Machine learning and Natural Language Processing too :).
As a Facebook Developer Circle Lead, I manage a diverse team of 13 and a community of 5500+ members. I am good at Evangelising the technology or the product and as that goes without saying, I'm good at Team Leading & Managment too. I am a Product Girl. I love evangelizing the products and making them easy-to-use.

These are just my skills, check out my zone window to know about the hackathons that I won!!

Less know the secret of mine, I'm a blogger too.